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Komatsu D31 37 39 Bulldozer Operator's Manual
Komatsu D31 37 39 Bulldozer Operator's Manual
Komatsu D31 37 39 Bulldozer Operator's M
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.5 MB
Komatsu D65EX Bulldozer Operator's Manual
Komatsu D65EX Bulldozer Operator's Manual
Komatsu D65EX Bulldozer Operator's Manua
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.8 MB
Komatsu D155AX Bulldozer Operator's Manual
Komatsu D155AX Bulldozer Operator's Manual
Komatsu D155AX Bulldozer Operator's Manu
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.6 MB

Komatsu Galeo PC14R-2 Hydraulic Excavator Operator's Manual
Komatsu Galeo PC14R-2 Hydraulic Excavator Operator's Manual
Komatsu Galeo PC14R-2 Hydraulic Excavato
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.6 MB
Komatsu Galeo PC27 Hydraulic Excavator Operator's Manual
Komatsu Galeo PC27 Hydraulic Excavator Operator's Manual
Komatsu Galeo PC27 Hydraulic Excavator O
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.3 MB
Komatsu Galeo PC110R-1 Hydraulic Excavator Operator's Manual
Komatsu Galeo PC110R-1 Hydraulic Excavator Operator's Manual
Komatsu Galeo PC110R-1 Hydraulic Excavat
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.3 MB

Komatsu PC12R-8 PC15R-8 Hydraulic Excavators Service Manual
Komatsu PC12R-8 PC15R-8 Hydraulic Excavators Service Manual
Komatsu PC12R-8 PC15R-8 Hydraulic Excava
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB
Komatsu PC20R-8 PC27R-8 Hydraulic Excavators Operator's Manual
Komatsu PC20R-8 PC27R-8 Hydraulic Excavators Operator's Manual
Komatsu PC20R-8 PC27R-8 Hydraulic Excava
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.7 MB
Komatsu SK714-815 Skid Steer Loaders Operator's Manual
Komatsu SK714-815 Skid Steer Loaders Operator's Manual
Komatsu SK714-815 Skid Steer Loaders Ope
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.3 MB

Komatsu WA95 Wheel Loader Operator's Manual
Komatsu WA95 Wheel Loader Operator's Manual
Komatsu WA95 Wheel Loader Operator's Man
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.7 MB
Komatsu WA470 Wheel Loader Operator's Manual
Komatsu WA470 Wheel Loader Operator's Manual
Komatsu WA470 Wheel Loader Operator's Ma
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.0 MB

Komatsu D155 AX Dozer
Komatsu WA380 Wheel Loader

History of Komatsu Brand

Above on the page there are several PDF Service Manuals for KOMATSU Tractors, Loaders, Excavators.


Originally the word komatsu sounded in the name of the company "Takeuchi Mining Company" back in 1894.


During the WW1, the company expanded significantly, opening a metallurgical plant and starting to produce equipment for mining enterprises.


But it was the date of birth of the well-known company Komatsu Ltd. historians consider May 13, 1921.


On this day, Mr. Meitaro Takeuchi, having separated from the main enterprise, created his own repair and construction workshop, in which he himself played the role of both the chief engineer and the president of the company.


And he called it "Komatsu Manufacturing".

In 1924 Meitaro Takeuchi builds his first 450-ton belt-forming press.


By 1929, Komatsu already employed 742 people, and very soon the company developed into one of the largest Japanese manufacturers of machine tools and pumps.


In 1931, Komatsu was the first to produce a crawler tractor for agriculture in Japan.


In 1952 it will begin to produce motor graders, which will be his first construction equipment exported to Argentina in 1955.


Now Komatsu Ltd. is the second largest manufacturer of construction and quarry equipment in the world, second only to Caterpillar Inc.


More than 70% of the company's revenues generated precisely from the sale of this equipment.


Perhaps the most popular are bulldozers, dump trucks, hydraulic excavators, mobile garbage crushers, motor graders, cranes and front loaders.

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